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History: Data Science Task Force

The Data Science Task Force was formed by the provost in Fall 2019 to consider how to further propel the University's educational and research mission through data in all its forms and was charged with producing a set of recommendations to coordinate and amplify data and data methods at Pitt.

Provost's Charge

The provost charged the task force with recommending a coordinated strategy to catalyze, nourish, and sustain educational programs and research initiatives that (1) equip undergraduate and graduate students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the increasingly data-oriented world; (2) develop and use data science methods in research; and (3) attract and retain faculty using data and associated methods in their disciplines.

Task Force Members

The 29-member task force has members from all schools, University centers, University Library System, Health Sciences Library System, Pitt Research, undergraduate and graduate students, and the Office of the Provost.

Task Force Recommendations

To act on the opportunity in front of Pitt and to undertake the necessary transformation, the Data Science Task Force recommends a framework of goals and actions to coordinate and grow data science across campus into an institutional focal point. The framework is based on the task force's observations, background study, and the committee’s expertise, knowledge, and experiences. The goals provide direction, and the actions lay out tangible and specific steps that can be undertaken, building toward the opportunity. Although the actions are organized to incrementally create a focal point of data science at the University, an alternative strategy could start first with hiring and charging a leader to nourish and direct effort for the actions. Several of the actions can be carried out simultaneously. Others can be done right away to address the immediacy of need.